Monday, January 6, 2014

Twitter Interview

Who: Brittany Silverstein
What: Producer and Reporter
Where: Santa Maria, CA
Brittany is a reporter and producer for KCOY and KKFX, which share studios in Santa Maria. She is 24 years old and has been working there for a year and a half. She began using Twitter in college, and, for her, it was odd, “almost stalker-like.” Once she figured it out, she realized its potential for a medium of information.
1.      How do you use Twitter?
·         Uses Twitter for all purposes (personal, business, interest…)
·         “I like to tweet and retweet what I think is interesting. Most of the time it’s for work and if it’s a story I cover for work, oftentimes my work’s Twitter retweets me.”
2.      What are the benefits of Twitter?
·         Quick way to gather information
·         “Some of our local PIOs use it…” Sometimes they tweet pictures of news her team cannot make it to quickly enough. She sometimes uses those in her newscasts.
·         Helps get out breaking news (ex. LAX Shooting)
3.      Downsides to Twitter?
·         140 Character Limit
·         Can’t trust everything you read online
4.      Upsides to Twitter?
·         “Sometimes limiting your sentences to 140 characters is tough for a complicated story, but I think that helps me as a writer.”
·         Convenient to search for what you need, quick and useful way to follow news, connects you to potential sources
5.      What do you see as the future of Twitter?
·         She’s had this conversation with other journalists. Some say it’s a fad that will die out. She thinks it has a great future. “I think they will eventually grow and instead of just sharing photos and tweets, more video content will be up there. Eventually, I predict that all news will be available online…TV, broadcast, print…and it will be interesting to see how Twitter will evolve with that.”
6.      Why do you follow who you follow?
·         Friends, journalists she’d like to connect to, news outlets
7.      Advice to the us:
·         “Take advantage of it!”
·         Utilize lists - PIOs in your coverage areas
·         Use search to find out what’s going on in breaking news, etc.
·         “Share the breaking news photos/videos/tweets in your newscasts to show that you are connected.”
·         “Take advantage of topics that are trending and incorporate it in your news content.”
·         “Remember, it is still your job to be a journalist and confirm the facts that are there.”
Fun Facts: Followed by Barack Obama’s Twitter

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Missing Sherlock and Watson

This isn't exactly about my countdown the the fated and long awaited return of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in the BBC drama Sherlock with the beginning of Series Three.

This is about the mustache.
Watson really let himself go after losing Sherlock....

Okay, I lied.
It is about my torturous wait since I saw the Reichenbach Fall on Netflix over a year ago.

Sherlock very clearly JUMPED. OFF. THE. BUILDING.
How in the heck is he supposed to come back from that!?
And they're supposed to come back January 1 of next year. Soooo, less than a month. 

Not much longer to wait.
I want to know how he not only duped Moriarty's hitmen, but Watson, and the rest of London. After all the theories I have read online, still, nothing seems realistic. 

More than the way he lived, I'm just ready for one of my favorite shows to come back after so long. I miss the wit and writing and the cases... I just want the show to come back!

Because how can you go on without these losers?

The Day of the Doctor

So this happened.

My my my.

SO, Moffat definitely changed some primary Doctor Who "mythology" and rules in case any Doctor should meet the Doctor.

The biggest most shocking thing: Gallifrey was NOT destroyed! It's stuck in a picture. A picture with two names: 1) Gallifrey Falls; 2) No More. Now, throughout the special, we see that "Gallifrey Falls" comes from the fact that this is the big battle that was occurring right before the Doctor pressed the big red button that destroyed his home planet and all the Timelords and children on it. It's called "No More" because that's what the 8.5th Doctor says and blows into a random wall before he bust through some Daleks and out of the line of fire to destroy the Daleks so the world won't burn, but Gallifrey along with it.

Yes, I call him 8.5. I still don't really understand who he is. I know he's the one that the Doctor tries to forget, and doesn't talk about, but, there's an Eight and there's a Nine. Nine is definitely after the destruction of the Timelords' home planet. So, Eight-point-Five it is.

But it's odd to see how similar the Doctors are even though they are so different!

I particularly enjoyed when all 13 Doctors swooped in to save Gallifrey---or contain it in a photo to be released when it is safe.

We got to see Peter Capaldi in the show for the first time! Or his eyes anyway. None the less, it was exciting.

I can't wait for the season to start up again! Yes, we'll be seeing the end of Matt Smith soon, but that's okay because he was never my favorite...
I'm excited for the new start, and a new personality/age/maturity for the Doctor.

Bring it on!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Move On

I've got a bone to pick with a couple of my television shows:
They're not moving.
The story doesn't seem to really be going anywhere. It's just a lot of side story lines.

That's right, How I Met Your Mother. I'm talking to you.

Now, I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but this season has been within TWO DAYS. That's not an exaggeration. It's still the weekend of Barney and Robin's wedding, but each episode has only been a few hours later past the las episode. Nothing is happening. Nothing is moving the over arching story-line. At first it was no biggie. It was entertaining. Now, I'm just tired of waiting. That's why I haven't thrown a fit to see the last one yet.

And then there's Once Upon a Time, which hasn't been as bad, but...
They're still on the island. They're still looking for Henry. They're still fighting among themselves.

The character's have moved on a bit.
I mean, they did find Neal/Bae. He wasn't dead, yay. Hook and Neal are now in a heated love triangle with Emma, and they're not hiding it. David got a fatal poison, then Hook helped him cure it, now he can never leave the island. Regina left the Charmings for Rumple to find Henry. Ariel's giving us some insight into Storybrook...

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it. I just don't want the whole season to be about getting Henry back. There's no movement. We want Storybrook! I miss the Enchanted Forest, too.

Come on, shows. I love you for a reason. Give me some movement!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Walkers

Alright. I avoided it as long as possible. I couldn't hold out.

I'm addicted to the Walking Dead.

Everyone who works at the optometrist office that I work at watches this show. They talked about it constantly. Honestly, I got sick of having all those conversations going over my head, so my roommate and I decided to start the show on Netflix...

It took us maybe two weeks to watch everything on Netflix, and considering we both go to school full-time, work almost full time at the office, and I have a job at the newscast on campus, this is quite a feat!

I'm now waiting a week to watch new episodes on Sunday like everyone else.
Netflix spoils you. You don't have to wait between's just "Play Next Episode."

Anywho. Spoilers.

We're now waiting for Daryl, Michonne, Ty, and that alcoholic guy to return to the jail with the meds
from the vet college, and for Rick to return with the food and stuff from that neighborhood. No Carol since Rick exiled her for killing Ty's GF and that other guy like Simba and Pride Rock did to Kovu in Lion King 2.

Now, I haven't read the graphic novels, but I know the television show has taken certain artistic liberties with characters and events. It makes me wonder if the comic is the reason for Carol going loco. I thought her character was whiny and annoying, and that surely she was be killed off or receed into the background once they "found" Sophia. But no. She went crazy.

AND I think that little girl in Carol was molding to be able to take care of herself is CRAZY. Her little sister even said she ain't right in the head. Carol sent her into a cell with a knife, with a bunch of sick people that are more than likely going to die. How do we know she won't do like Carol and kill people before they die from the sickness?

Then there's Glen. Glen, my dear. He's been getting a tad on my nerves since the Governor went crazy on Maggie, but I still love him and he CAN NOT die.

But Daryl is my favorite. You know, I had a feeling when his character returned from hunting to fin out that is crazy brother was handcuffed to a rooftop in a zombie infested Atlanta that I would like him. Not that I liked him at the time, it took a while, but I had a feeling. You can kill Rick, Carol, Sasha, Ty, CARL, even Judith, but leave Daryl be!

And, I'm now counting down the days to Sunday like everyone else.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy October/Doctor Who

It's October! 
This is my one of my favorite times of the year for three reasons:
  1. My birthday! (The day before Halloween)
  2. Halloween: Adults still get to dress up!
  3. The day after Halloween marks the beginning of the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years season and Christmas music is right around the corner!

So, in celebration of Halloween, I wanted to carve pumpkins, like I do every year. THEN, my roommate and fiancé say they've never carved pumpkins before. Never. Naturally, I made them, and made fun of their "deprived childhood" the whole time.

They enjoyed it. My roommate made the B.A.B., and my fiancé made the face.

I, of course, had to get more creative and fan-based, so I made the TARDIS shooting through time and space. It turned out pretty good for a free hand design and a rotted pumpkin. (I waited a little too long to pick some up.)

Speaking of the TARDIS, the 50th anniversary
special is coming up next month! I heard they're showing in in theatres in Europe. THEN I heard that they were doing it in America, but only the big cities. BUT one of my fellow newscast workers alerted me that they WILL be showing it in OKC at my favorite movie theater! It'll be a few days after the big premiere, but that's okay since I normally have to wait a few days to see the new episodes later. I'm thrilled. Doctor Who night out!

I'll take lots of pictures. Hopefully people dress up...

Happy October!


Adopt-a-Blog: Film Intel

Film Intel – Sam Turner
1.      History of the Blog
  1. Sam Turner started the blog as a way to continue writing after he left college.
  2.  The blog was started January of 2008, and he has been a part of it ever since.
  3. The site was redesigned in 2012, and again this year.
  4.  More professional over the years
2.      Facts of the Blog
  1.  Sam Turner is the blogger, and the one who responded to me. He is 27, has a degree in English, and is the Marketing Executive for a marketing company. (The blog indirectly helped him earn his job.)
  2.  For Sam to continue his writing after graduating with an English degree and getting a job that didn’t involve much writing.
  3.  Ads, but no money. Just enough turnover to cover cost.
  4. Recently added a second writer: Brian Broadribb.
  5. Both writers are based in North England.

3.      Statistics
  1. He aims to post 8 articles per week. 3-4 of those are his writings.
  2.  Twitter – 3,800+ followers
  3.  Average 20-25,000 page views a month
  4. No Google follower. Sam believes his blog followers is around 300, but isn’t sure.

4.      Unique
  • Not all recent movies, a mix

5.      Strengths
a.       Simple template
b.      Colors
c.       Rating as tag
6.      Weaknesses
7.      Advice of blogger
·         Full quote: “Only do it if you really enjoy it and realize that, unfortunately, most people have to blog for a very long time before you get any level of recognition or readership, even if you're great at content marketing. Writing is a passion and a skill but it is also a hobby: like most hobbies, the reward you get from it will be largely in how you enjoy the time you spend doing it, rather than in earned riches. That said, hey: there are lots of bloggers more read and more popular than I, who make money from essentially 'doing their hobby'. If you've got the time and you love writing, get going and you never know what will happen!
What I got out of speaking with Sam…
o   Simplify my template
o   Review old movies, too!

o   Review the way I review, and enjoy it.