I, of course, had to get more creative and fan-based, so I made the TARDIS shooting through time and space. It turned out pretty good for a free hand design and a rotted pumpkin. (I waited a little too long to pick some up.)
Speaking of the TARDIS, the 50th anniversary
special is coming up next month! I heard they're showing in in theatres in Europe. THEN I heard that they were doing it in America, but only the big cities. BUT one of my fellow newscast workers alerted me that they WILL be showing it in OKC at my favorite movie theater! It'll be a few days after the big premiere, but that's okay since I normally have to wait a few days to see the new episodes later. I'm thrilled. Doctor Who night out!
I'll take lots of pictures. Hopefully people dress up...
Turner started the blog as a way to continue writing after he left college.
blog was started January of 2008, and he has been a part of it ever since.
site was redesigned in 2012, and again this year.
professional over the years
2.Facts of the Blog
Turner is the blogger, and the one who responded to me. He is 27, has a degree
in English, and is the Marketing Executive for a marketing company. (The blog
indirectly helped him earn his job.)
Sam to continue his writing after graduating with an English degree and getting
a job that didn’t involve much writing.
but no money. Just enough turnover to cover cost.
added a second writer: Brian Broadribb.
writers are based in North England.
aims to post 8 articles per week. 3-4 of those are his writings.
– 3,800+ followers
20-25,000 page views a month
Google follower. Sam believes his blog followers is around 300, but isn’t sure.
all recent movies, a mix
as tag
7.Advice of blogger
quote: “Only do it if you really enjoy it and realize
that, unfortunately, most people have to blog for a very long time before you
get any level of recognition or readership, even if you're great at content
marketing. Writing is a passion and a skill but it is also a hobby: like most
hobbies, the reward you get from it will be largely in how you enjoy the time
you spend doing it, rather than in earned riches. That said, hey: there are
lots of bloggers more read and more popular than I, who make money from essentially
'doing their hobby'. If you've got the time and you love writing, get going and
you never know what will happen!”
The shows are returning, and I barely know what to do with myself! I'd forgotten how difficult it was too keep up with so many shows, but somehow, I'm getting by just fine...
Anywhoo! Here's what's going on in all my shows. Recaps, theories, rage. But as always...
How I Met Your Mother
So, we're five episodes in, and they are moving painstakingly slow. The episodes are all taking place the weekend of Barney and Robin's wedding. They're at a hotel and each episode we get a countdown of how many hours until the wedding, but we're all waiting for it to happen already, right?
Lilly has met the future Mrs. Mosby on a train to the wedding, but after they get off the train, we don't see her again(in current time, at least). Lilly's miserable without Marshall and the baby(he's on route to the wedding in a Hummer with a stranger) and has not only resorted to Marshpillow again, but has hired one of the bartenders to make sure she never doesn't have a drink in her hand.
Ted is going through a crisis being at the wedding of one of his best friends and his other friend who he still has on and off feelings about. (Although, thankfully, they're not spending too much energy on his unrequited feelings.) I used to be soooo Team Ted & Robin (Tobin? Red?), but they've changed so much, I just want him to get over her. Which he could...if the writers would let him meet the mother already! They did have a little future scene between the two of them in which we see happy Ted with Wife, but still.
Barney knows about the awkward handholding between Ted and Robin in the rain, but after getting back at him by making him do lots of ridiculous "Best Man" jobs, replacing him with who Barney calls the Karate Kid, and an awkward handholding of their own, they're BFFs again.
We continue to watch and wait for the mother to enter the scene...
Once Upon a Time
Our heroes have tracked dear Henry to wonderland to rescue him from the evil Peter Pan.
(I don't get it either.)
Rumple has gone off on his own, deciding to find Henry his own way, but he seems to be going a little off track. He's seeing apparitions of Belle and having flashbacks due to a doll one of the lost boys gave him. Once again, we see the power of magic calling to him, and pushing him towards doing the wrong thing. Is it his cowardice? His obsession with power? I don't know, but without Belle around, he could be losing his humanity...again. He already killed Tamara.
Charming, Snow, Emma, Regina, and Captain Eyeliner, are trekking through the forest to find Pan. Peter is taunting Emma by showing up and providing "help" in the form of a map that will only show the way once Emma admits who she "truly is." After a pointless session of admitting to the empty parchment that she was the "savior," nothing happened, and Regina resorts to magic, placing a tracking spell of the parchment.
Of course the villainous Pan sees that coming, and makes it lead them into an ambush. Pan calls it a warning and peaces out. No one dies, but Charming gets scratched by an arrow flying by him, one laced with poison. Deadly poison.
After a tisk with mom and dad, Emma admits to Snow, and to herself, that she still feels like a lost abandoned orphan, even if she's found her parents....aaaand the map shows up. *tears from everyone*
Let's go! #savehenry
Where do I begin? First we have Klaine back together, and the big proposal, and Rachel got Fanny, and Beatles music everywhere...!
Then we have the tribute episode.
I am not lying when I say I sobbed through it. Those actors were not acting in this episode. They we mourning a friend and colleague as their characters were also mourning a friend.
Ryan Murphy told USA Today
"I've never seen a crew that can't continue shooting because they've left the room sobbing. It was very hard."
The sendoff was great. They didn't get into why, he died, but as Kurt said in the episode, they focused on how he lived.
If you're a fan and haven't watched it, do. It's worth the tears.
Dr. Kurt Hochenauer, journalist and English professor, came into our class to give us all insight into the world of blogging from a successful stand point.
His blog, Okie Funk, is a blog with "populist and liberal information and ideas," and it all started because he felt the desire to fill the need for news from more than just our conservative sources. He has an average of 3,000 unique visitors per month, and has been mentioned throughout news in our area.
One thing I've taken from his blog is that it is equal points journalism and opinion. His posts clearly have a voice, unlike many written news post we see. For example, he has a post called Beware: Pension Cuts Loom For State Employees, and in this post he gives his ideas of what he believes will happen; specifically using the word "I."
"I suspect the answer to that would be probably yes, in most cases, but the change will begin reducing the money pool in the defined-benefits plans, thus precipitating an eventual crisis that will lead to even more cuts."
He also has a polls (see most recent to right) run on his page that gives viewers the option of leaving their opinion on the question, but even the answers available lean in his frame of thought.
He gave us lots to think about as he went into how he got into the world of blogging, and although his information was from a political blog, there were things that all of us could learn.
He discussed formats and layouts and different places to create blogs. He also talked about how keeping the layout simple and easy to read is important.
There were two main things I took from him as far as ways to have a successful blog:
Josh Rushing speaking at the UCO Media Ethics Conference
This past week, UCO hosted a Media
Ethics Conference, where key speakers came to our school and did speeches and
panels for students in the media to come learn from them and sharpen their
ethics ideas. My favorite of the speakers was Josh Rushing, host of Fault Lines
on Al Jazeera America.
He spoke to us about his journey to
for the public, to keep them informed and
where he is now, a reporter and host of a show on a prominent network that
isn't afraid to ask the RIGHT questions, from being an American Marine. There
were some key things he said that spoke with me: one, “do the right things for
the right reasons.” He talked about how he learned this in the Marines, and how
in journalism, ethics can sometimes be blurred. It’s important to ask the right
questions, and tell the public what they need to know when they need to know
it, instead of shielding them because it’s easier. The second thing that really
spoke to me was “Be a story-teller and a content creator.” This really struck
home to me since I am a producer, and we write the majority of the show as well
as assign the reporters their stories. I want to grow to be able to tell
stories with my writing and not have a lot of filler stories that don’t really
help anyone. This could apply to news as well as blogging as a journalist.
I feel very fortunate that we had
the opportunity to hear this man speak. He was also very supportive
of us
student broadcasters. Some of us were live-tweeting the speech and took
pictures and interviews with him and posted them. About an hour later, every
one of my post, as well as many others, were either Favorited or Retweeted, which meant a lot to
every one of us.